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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are some of the most common causes of cracks in concrete driveways?

  • Cracks in your driveway can occur for a variety of reasons. Cracks can result from improper subgrade preparation, poor concrete mix, or shrinkage during curing, all of which can be caused by incorrect driveway installation. Cracking and other surface problems can be caused by weather-related factors such as freeze-thaw cycles and general wear and tear over time.

Is it possible to fix a problem with my sealer on the surface?

  •  Many driveway issues are only superficial and do not necessitate a complete repair or renovation. Problems with the sealer coat are one example. Learn about the various problems that sealers can cause and how to solve them, including how to deal with hot tire marks.

Is it necessary to seal my newly installed concrete driveway?

  •  All exterior concrete slabs exposed to freeze-thaw conditions should be sealed with a high-quality sealer. The sealer prevents moisture absorption, chemical exposure, and grease and oil stains on the concrete. A sealer can also help to improve the color of decorative colored concrete.

How much does it cost to have a heated driveway installed?

  • In-slab snow-melting systems will keep driveways free of ice and snow, reducing the need for plowing and shoveling while also reducing the risk of slip-and-fall crashes. They also protect your concrete from damage caused by snow removal and de-icing equipment. There are manual systems that cost $10 to $15 per square foot, as well as more expensive automatic systems. There are also costs associated with running the system, which homeowners should study in their area. Learn more about concrete slab snow-melting processes.

Is my asphalt driveway covered by a warranty?

  • Yes, indeed! Many contractors offer warranties, and you may be able to get an extended warranty three years or longer through your state concrete association.

How much does it cost to pressure wash a driveway?

  • Homeowners should expect to pay between $175 and $300 to have their driveway pressure washed professionally. You will save money by doing it yourself because many home centers rent pressure washers for $40 to $100 per day.

Poured concrete or pavers: which is less expensive?

  • Concrete pavers are individual bricks that can be used to create a variety of patterns and colors. A patio made of pavers will cost anywhere from $4 to $20 per square foot, depending on the size and detail of the design. This is due to the nature of the labor involved and the cost of materials.

Cedar Rapids Concrete Contractor

Cedar Rapids Concrete Contractor

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